As you examine the type of paint you'll use for your next home improvement job, you may want to read more about stain-resistant paint. The term seems appealing; after all, who wouldn't desire paint that resists the unsightly stains that appear on the walls of their homes?
Let us explain what stain-resistant paint is and how to determine if it's the right choice for your next home improvement job.
Typically, stain-resistant paint is semi-gloss or glossy. Paint with a glossy sheen is simpler to clean and less prone to staining than matte paints, making it excellent for high-traffic areas of your home such as kitchens, entryways, hallways, and bathrooms. In the presence of dirty fingerprints and food splatters, stain-resistant paint keeps your walls looking their best if you have children.
By selecting the appropriate product from the outset, you can save unnecessary washing and repainting to conceal ugly stains.
Look for the phrase "stain-resistant" on the label or a semi-gloss or glossy sheen when selecting stain-resistant interior paint for your home improvement project. Walls painted with stain-resistant paint require only a quick wipe down with a damp cloth to maintain a clean appearance.
Behr Premium Plus Paint and Primer in One:
This durable paint/primer creates a stain-blocking, stain-resistant, and mildew-resistant finish on uncoated and painted surfaces.
Sherwin-Williams Duration Interior Acrylic Latex Paint for the Home:
This paint is available in a range of finishes (including matte) and is stain-resistant and washable.
If you'd like to save time and effort on your home painting project, delegate the work to the professionals at your local painting specialists. We are dedicated to enhancing the exterior and interior appearance of your property.